In the spirit of the Arizona immigration law, a proposal
…I’d like to propose another law that will uphold the respect for the law, and prevent much harm to befall an innocent, law-abiding populace.
The police will have the right to enter and investigate any house they suspect of having a party where alcohol is available to people under the age of 21. (“Reasonable suspicion,” of course, should suffice.)
There are many reasons why I think politicians—especially Arizona governor Jan “Chosen by God” Brewer—should support this:
- the law simply enforces a law that prohibits adults, even a child’s parents, from allowing a child access to alcohol
- if a parent doesn’t break the law, s/he has nothing to worry about; only those who would violate the law should feel put out as policemen storm their house looking for underage drinking
- in a recent survey, 28% of teens had been to a party where alcohol was served to minors and parents/adults were present
teens who start drinking at age 15 are 5 times as likely as those who start after 20 to end up abusing or becoming dependent on alcohol
- 23% of the teenage drivers involved in deadly car accidents had a blood alcohol level of above 0.08%, about 1,100 per year, and with the economic equivalent cost of over $9 billion annually, nationally
Obviously, parents turning a blind eye to—or even encouraging—drinking among children under their care are responsible for an enormous cost financially and in terms of lives. Should innocent, law-abiding taxpayers have to pay the price for other people breaking the law?
Parents who are found providing alcohol to children under the age of 21, even a glass of champagne on New Year’s, should:
- be imprisoned
- have their children put in foster care
(I mean, we can’t deport them, right?)
Much like the illegal immigrants knowingly violating our nation’s laws, and, in many cases, breaking other laws and causing crime, these parents who ply their children with booze are violating our nation’s laws, leading to their children breaking other laws and causing crime, death and destruction.
SO…when can we expect the law-abiding, proudly conservative folks who supported Arizona SB 1070, to support this as well? Unless they’re utter hypocrites, they certainly should!